My name is Clara Morgenthau.
I love and live Soul-Painting...
My belief is that everybody can paint and become a complete whole person with it. Painting is something that is healing and freeing.
In my workshops I would like to pass my knowledge to you about how you can experience inner Joy and Happiness with Soul-Painting and how paintings will get created from inside of you; from the power and potential of your Soul.
My biggest pleasure is when you will be inspired by my story to find the access to your own creative potential and to create out of it. Unceasingly.
At Soul-Painting I am an observer and leave the decisions of painting to
the Soul.
With great joy I am observing what is getting painted and am enjoying,
how it is painting through me.
It is Bliss in action.
Since I have found my vocation in August 2014, many little miracles keep happening...
...the first exhibition in Goa in December 2014 was an unexpected big success. 19 out of 20 paintings got sold in shortest time. A spiritual magazine printed an article about it in its 50th jubilee edition .
...further exhibitions in India followed. I was invited to the backstage of Deva Premal and gifted her one of my flower paintings. Deva Premal wished good luck for my mission with Soul-Painting. The first exhibitions in Germany followed. On one of them I got to know the Goddesses painter Peter Engelhardt. He liked what I am painting and said I have a lot of "potential“ and "something to say“ which is reflected in my paintings. I feel very grateful to him for this meeting. On my 50th birthday the Facebook and Instagram account started. Then Andreas Gregori invited me to his Happiness Finder Day in November 2016 in Berlin where I gave an interview next to the famous Swiss actor Laszlo Kish.
...with my friends Rajni and Dan from Sunrise Networking from London this website with a blog and a newsletter was built...
...and then in 2017 the Soul-Painting Workshops started. People from all over Germany and Switzerland joined. Maybe soon English workshops will follow.
Thank you very much for your visit and the time you spent heere. I would be happy if you got inspired , to find the access to your own creative potential and to create out of it.
I wish from full heart that Soul-Painting is something for you and that you experience that your door to Intuition opens slowly, easy and with much Joy. I would be happy to meet you one day personally and get to know you.
Lots of love,